
Get Settled Germany

Get Germany
Permanent Residence

PearVisa – Top Rated Immigration Company in India.


Germany is rich in natural elegance. Between the North Sea and Baltic coasts in the north and the mountains of the Alps in the south lie incredibly various landscapes, with everything from wide extents of river and Lakeland sight, hilly uplands, and densely wooded regions to agricultural grasslands and industrial conurbations. The Zugspitze is the greatest mountain in Germany at 2,963 meters. Germany’s lengthiest river is The Rhine, which seeps through the country for a whole of 865 kilometers. The country has 16 national parks, 104 nature reserves, and 15 biosphere reserves.

Eligibility Requirements:-

There is not a point-based system for eligibility to Job Seeker Visa but there certainly are a few requirements that the nominee must cross-check before pertaining. Following is the eligibility norms, the applicant must :

  • Retain a Master’s or a Bachelor’s Degree from a German university or a counterpart foreign degrees
  • Have at least 5 years of understanding in the respective area of study
  • Be an expert in the English language. Proficiency in the German language can be an improved benefit
  • Ascertain ownership of adequate funds to finance their own stay in Germany for 6 months duration of the Job Seeker Visa
  • Possess travel and medical insurance cover for the whole stay in Germany
  • Retain at least 3.5 lakhs in liquid cash

What are the benefits of the Blue Card (in Germany and rest of the EU)?

  • Simple to get: not crucial to leaves and re-enter the nation in order to enhance from another residence title
  • above-average minimum salary (average gross earnings in Germany in 2017 – 2.863 € per month; Bluecard gross minimum income 3.302 € per month and more)
  • Job subject to social insurance contributions and resulting advantages – pension insurance contributions, statutory health insurance, unemployment advantage;
  • Self-employment as a sideline (up to 15 hours per week) apparent
  • Reduced duration for a settlement permit (33 or 21 months)
  • Spouse and children may come and stay as long as the Bluecard holder
  • No demand to do German test (neither for Bluecard owners nor for the wife)
  • Partner has unrestricted work permit (regular employment and self-employment)
  • not fixed on any certain branch: any highly-qualified employment possible, Bluecard can be allocated even on employment as a temporary worker (a worker in a temporary employment business)
  • Endeavours in all EU countries (exceptions: United Kingdom, Ireland, and Denmark)

What is the Germany Job Seeker Visa?

Germany Job Seeker Visa is a long residency permit that enables exotic job seekers to stay in Germany and glance for a job.

  • These foreign nationals can expand their stay to up to 6 months. During the visit, the candidate can meet and network with probable employers to find an adequate job.
  • The job seeker visa is not a job permit. A candidate on this visa cannot begin working until and unless they receive a work visa. It is only after the work visa that the nominee can live and work in Germany.
  • If the job seeker gives an assistance offer from Germany during their 6-month stay, they assented the work permit or work visa from Germany itself. In most cases, the employer finances the work permit. Also, the validity of the work visa confides to the employer.

Why Select a Job Seeker Visa?

  • Even though the German Job Seeker Visa does not authorise the nominee to work in Germany, it gives a handful of other advantages to the candidate. Let us give some glimpse on them:
  • It is somewhat a faster process as all German Job Seeker Visa applications are refined in less than 6 months
  • This visa makes it susceptible for the candidates to secure a work permit
  • Once the nominee gets an employment offer, their can apply for a blue card from there itself
  • Once the applicant completes 5 years of working on the German Work Visa, he/she is eligible to apply for PR in Germany.

EU Blue Card for Germany

  • To qualify for the Blue Card a candidate must have a university or college degree and an assistance contract with a German company that pays a salary of at least €53,600 per year (2019).
  • For specific vocations that suffer from shortages of skilled labor the salary level is €41,808 per year (2019). This pertains to engineers, authorised communications and technology experts, medical doctors and specific other fields.
  • To hasten the procedure for qualified applicants there will be no “priority reviews”. This means that the time-consuming method of checking whether there are qualified Germans or non-German current residents that may be first in line for certain positions may be relinquished.
  • The Blue Card may originally be valid for four years. An application for an infinite residence permit may be granted after 3 years. If a Blue Card holder has adequate proficiency of the German language (Level B1) they may apply for the unlimited residence license after 2 years.
  • Family members of a Blue Card holder are allowed an independent right to work in Germany. Partners do not have to speak German to meet the Blue Card holder in the country.
  • Moving from one EU country to another or evacuating the country for a comprehensive period of time is possible, but there may be constraints relying on each country’s laws and interpretation of the EU directive. (For example, Blue Card holders that get their Blue Card from Germany must stay in Germany for eighteen months before moving to another country.)

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